|=|{{image alt="webERP logo" title="webERP Logo" url="images/webERPlogo.gif"}}|=|[[HomePage | What Is webERP]] |=| [[WeberpFeatures | webERP Features]] |=|[[WeberpFaq | Documentation]]|| |=|[[WeberpSupport | Support]] |=|[[http://www.weberp.org/forum Forum]] |=|{{image class="center" alt="Sourceforge Logo" title="Sourceforge Logo" url="http://sflogo.sourceforge.net/sflogo.php?group_id=70949&type=9" link="http://sourceforge.net/projects/web-erp"}} |=| [[http://sourceforge.net/project/platformdownload.php?group_id=70949&sel_platform=3757 Download]] |=| [[http://www.weberp.org/weberp/index.php Demo]] |=|[[WeberpDevelopment | Development]]|| ---- ====Development==== ~-[[ProjectGoals | Goals of webERP]] ~-[[CodingConventions | IMPORTANT: Coding Conventions/Style]] ~-[[ContributingTowebERP | Contributing To webERP]] ~-[[ExpectationsManagement | webERP Project Management and Road Map]] ====Coding==== ~-[[GettingStartedDeveloping | Learning PHP and webERP Development]] ~-[[ContributingCode | How to produce and submit a code contribution]] ~- [[Working Working with Diff files]] ~-[[PHPScripts PHP Scripts described]] ~-[[http://web-erp.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/web-erp/trunk/doc/Change.log Change log (current version from repository)]] ====Database==== ~-[[DatabaseStructure | Narrative Description of DB Structure]] ~-[[TableProgramCrossReference | Table-Program Cross Reference]] ~-[[ProgramTableCrossReference | Program-Table Cross Reference]] ~- [[http://www.weberp.org/wiki/uploads/ScreenShotUploads/webERP_DataBase_Schema.png Database Schema Diagram - from Terry Porter v 4.06]] ~-[[http://www.weberp.org/wiki/uploads/ScreenShotUploads/Customers_Branches_Tax.pdf Database Schema Diagram - Customers Branches and Tax]] ~-[[http://www.weberp.org/wiki/uploads/ScreenShotUploads/SupplierTransPurchaseOrders.pdf Database Schema Diagram - Suppliers Transactions and Purchase Orders]] ~-[[http://www.weberp.org/wiki/uploads/ScreenShotUploads/CustomerTransaction_StockItemProperties.pdf Database Schema Diagram - Customer Transactions and Item Properties]] ~- [[http://www.portertech.org/test/webERP/weberpschema/index.html Terry's webERP schema spy output]] ====Development Specification Discussions==== ~- [[ProjectManagementPercentCompletion | Project Management and % completion accounting]] ~- [[ReturnMerchandiseAuthorisation | RMA - Return Merchandise Authorisation]] ~- RetailOptimalStock ~- [[MultiCompanyConsolidations | Multi-company consolidation]] ~- [[FunctionalityStillMissing | GL and Sales Budgeting]] ~- [[SetupWizardSpecs | Making Initial Installation and Configuration Simpler]] ~- [[StatusOfEDIWork | EDI orders and Invoicing]] ~- [[WareHouseManagementDiscussion | Warehouse Management]] ~- [[CronJobsMaint | Cron Jobs Maintenance]] ~- [[DotMatrixCharacterPrinting | Dot-Matrix character printing]] ~- [[IdeasForImproving | GRN Traceability, Changes Audit Log]] ~- [[QualityAssuranceDiscussion | Quality Assurance Functionality]] ~- [[RightToLeft | Right To Left Language Localisation]] ~- [[TallyIntegration | Tally accounting software integration with WebERP]] ~- [[GUIImprovements | Discussion on GUI improvements to WebERP]] ~- [[Plugins]] ~- [[TrackingCommissions | Salesman Commission Tracking]] ~- [[RetailOptimalStock | Optimizing stock distribution for retail business]] ====Completed Development and Other Discussions==== ~- [[TransitionToHtml5 | Transition to HTML 5]] ~- [[POS | POS]] ~- [[MultiLanguageNumbers | Multi-language number formats]] ~- [[SellingUnitConversions | Selling Units]] ~-[[Version40RC2 | Version 4.0 To Do List]] ~-[[AutomateDatabaseUpgrades | Automating Database Upgrades]] ~-[[FixedAssets | Fixed Asset Module Development]] ~-[[ManufacturingDiscussion | Manufacturing]] ~-[[MRP | MRP]] ~-[[MultipleCompany | Multi-Company]] ~-[[WikiIntegration | Integrating a Wiki Into webERP]] ~-[[AccountGroupsAndChartOfAccounts | Discussion on Chart of Accounts and Account Groups]] ~-[[RecurringOrdersUsageBased | Discussion on Usage Based Billing and Vertical Market Functionality]] ~-[[MulticompanyBankaccounts | Multi-currency Bank Accounts]] ~-[[PettyCashManagement]] ~-[[TransportationNote | Delivery Advice]] ~-[[WebInstaller | GUI Based installer for WebERP]] ~-[[ThirdPartyContributions | Third Party Contributed Work Not Included in the Distribution]] ~-[[WeberpConsultants | Companies That Offer Commercial webERP Support]] ~-[[Utf8Pdf | Transition to UTF-8]] ~-[[PhantomAssemblies | Phantom Assembly Items]] ~-[[JobCosting | Job Costing System]] ~-[[VerticalMarketFunctionality | Category Item Properties - Mostly Implemented in 3.08]] ====Hosting and Related Issues==== ~-[[SharedHosting | Shared Hosting Issues]] ~-[[ServerRequirements | Company IT Infrastructure Requirements]]