Revision history for VerticalMarketFunctionality

Revision [1214]

Last edited on 2008-04-08 00:37:40 by PhilDaintree
To enter item properties against orders we need an additional table similar in a way to stockitemproperties but that is referenced to a sales order line item as well - not forgetting that it is possible to have the same item on a sales order more than once.
CREATE TABLE `stockorderitemproperties` (
`stockid` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`orderno` int(11) NOT NULL,
`orderlineno` int(11) NOT NULL,
`stkcatpropid` int(11) NOT NULL,
`value` varchar(50) NOT NULL,
PRIMARY KEY (`stockid`,`orderno`,`orderlineno`,`stkcatpropid`),
KEY `stockid` (`stockid`),
KEY `orderno` (`orderno`),
KEY `stkcatpropid` (`stkcatpropid`),
KEY `value` (`value`)
) ENGINE=innodb;
With each order item property we need to record the sales order and the order line number that the property relates to. Using just a single table would mean that a record is required for each sales order item property entered against a sales order. This could get to be a busy table - but only a single table is required irrespective of the stockcategory of the items and the same logic would be able to be used for any property/item. Not sure the best indexing to use though - maybe a unique auto_increment primary key is better.
We would need:
~1 Modifications to allow entry of these properties similar to the code in Stocks.php against the line item order entry in SelectOrderItems.php - with potentially many properties for each item.
~2 To think about how the value is error trapped and this might entail further fields in the definition of the property in stockcatproperties.
~3 Code to display the order item properties on a packing slip/dispatch note - PrintCustOrder.php (preprinted stationery) and PrintCustOrder_generic.php. The order item properties could well have important information for the order fulfillment folks
~4 Code to display the order item properties on invoices - PrintCustTrans.php and PrintCustTrans_Portrait.php
~5 Code to display the order item properties on quotations - PDFQuotation.php
What about also - maybe having a similar properties against serial items - or batches. This is the next level down but the same advantages would apply to these.

Revision [216]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2007-08-13 21:24:14 by PhilDaintree
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