Revision [166]

This is an old revision of StartingAFreshSystem made by PhilDaintree on 2005-06-23 02:31:58.


WebERP Setup From an Empty DataSet

1. Create Database weberp
2.Import weberp-empty.sql into database weberp
3.Open config.php and
1.Make sure $dbtype is set to the correct database type
2.Make sure $dbuser is set to the correct user name
3.Make sure $dbpassword is set to the correct password empty for none
4.Log in
1.User : demo
2.Password : weberp
5.Select General Ledger Tab
1.Select Account Sections and add as many additional entries as you like.
2.Select Account Groups and add as many entries as you like keep in mind account 1 is reserved for the default sales account and will be created if setup incorrectly.
3.Select GL Account and add as many additional entries as you like.
6.Select Setup Tab
1.Select Currency Maintenance and add your home currency first and set exchange rate to “1” (one).
2.Select Credit Status and add entries as required
3.Select Payment Terms and add entries as required
4.Select Payment Methods and add entries as required
5.Select Tax Authorities and add entries as required but do not edit the rates as yet, it will tell you that you need to add stock first.
6.Select Sales Areas and add entries as required
7.Select Shippers and add entries as required, remember to add one for No Courier which will simply not contain any associative costs.
8.Select Freight Cost Maintenance and add entries as required, be sure to add entries for non specified as pickup.
9.Select Unit of Measure and add entries as required
10.Select Inventory Category Maintenance and add entries as required – to be exported.
11.Select Inventory Locations Maintenance and add entries as required
12.Select Sales Types and add price list entries as required at least one entry is required.
13.Select Bank Accounts and add entries as required remember to create entries for Petty Cash and POS Cash Drawers and/or DROP Saves.
14.Select Configuration Settings and correct where necessary. Even if all information is correct do an update as many default values will now have been selected for you.
15.Select Company Preferences and correct where necessary. Change the “Create GL entries for stock transactions (at standard cost):” entry to “No” for now since we will be taking on stock next. Even if all information is correct do an update as many default values will now have been selected for you.
16.Select Sales GL Postings and configure as required
17.Select COGS GL Postings and configure as required
7.Select General Ledger tab
1.Select Journal Ledger account and enter create two entries to create the periods and initialize the chart of accounts both entries should be created in a balance account and should have the same absolute value excepting that the one must be the negative of the other.
2.Select Trial Balance, a report should now be available.

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