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=====Sales Analysis Report function=====

Weberp Masters,
How can I use your Sales Analysis Report function? I read your manual
several times,and read your relative codes already,but I didn't get any
result that I need yet.It is really abstract for me.
Is it possible that you can show us some examples so that we follow you step
by step and get some feeling first?
My case is very simple,I just put one sales person,one location,a lot of
items,and a lot of invoices,then how can I just run gross profit by
month,(Is there any flexible way to run gross profit by week,or daily
through your sales analysis report because you set up one month as one

Thanks in advance!


Re: [webERP-users] How to use Sales Analysis Report?
From: Phil Daintree <phil@lo...> - 2008-01-12 20:22
Yes it is all set up for periods. If you run the report with the current
period then it shows the period to date and changes as more invoices go

Lets do an example to create a report to show the sales value and gross
profit for each sales area and each salesman that sells in this area

Receivables ->Inquiries & Reports -> Sales Analysis Reports

Under Define a New Report - Report Heading
Enter a heading "Sales By Area and Rep"

Select Sales Area for "Group By 1" then enter 0 in the "From" box -
since all sales area codes will be greater than 0 and then in the "To"
box enter "ZZZZZ" - hopefully the sales area codes you have defined will
fall between 0 and ZZZZZ - if you just want a single area then enter the
area code you want in both the "From" and the "To" boxes.

Select "Sales Person" for "Group By 2" then enter 0 in the "From" box -
since all sales people codes will be greater than 0 and then in the "To"
box enter "ZZZZZ" - hopefully the sales rep codes you have defined will
fall between 0 and ZZZZZ - if you just want a single rep. then enter the
rep code you want in both the "From" and the "To" boxes.

{{image class="center" alt="Sales Analysis Report Heading" title="Sales Analysis Reports" url="uploads/ScreenShotUploads/SalesAnalysisReport1.JPG" }}

Click on enter information to commit this report to the database.

The list of reports will show with our new report "Sales By Area and
Rep" - click on the link to define columns for this report.

Enter column 1 in the column number
Heading 1 enter - "sales value" - this is the top row of the column heading
Heading 2 enter - "January 08" this is the second row of the column heading

Now look up the period number that January 08 is in and enter the period
number in both the "From period" and the "To period" if you wanted to
show a range of periods sales value you could choose any range - where
the to period is before the from period!
Since we want the display the sales value for January we need to Select
the "Net Sales Value" in the "Data to Show" select box - the column can
contain any of the data selections in that box. The Gross Value option
is the sales value before on invoice discounts are taken into account -
in most circumstances you will want the net sales value.

The budget or actual box needs to be changed from budget to actual. If
you want to compare against budgeted amounts then the sales budgets need
to be imported. (there is currently no user interface to enter budgeted

Click Enter information and the single column definition will show at
the top of the page and new empty fields for adding a new column (see below)

{{image class="center" alt="Sales Analysis Report Heading" title="Sales Analysis Reports" url="uploads/ScreenShotUploads/SalesAnalysisReport2.JPG" }}

To create another column for the gross margin for January - same as
above - but entering as column 2 and changing the heading text from
Sales Value to Gross Profit - same period range. This time select "Gross
Profit" in the "Data To Show" and "Actual" for the Budget or Actual
field. Click Enter Information again to accept the 2nd column - the two
defined columns should show on screen.

Now to run the report click on the "Maintain Report Headers" link and
look down the list of defined reports to find the "Sales by Area and
Rep" report and click on the link to "Make PDF Report" - the report will
run and a pdf will be displayed...

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