Revision [2406]

This is an old revision of ProjectGoals made by PhilDaintree on 2012-01-21 19:28:17.


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1. To provide fast, web-based, integrated "best practise" business administration software.

2. To be "low footprint" efficient and fast, with absolutely minimal network traffic.

This is to enable dial up/low band-width connections to work with reasonable response times. This will require some compromises with the use of graphics.

3. Platform independence.

Originally the use of Javascript was avoided due to the inconsistencies between implimentations. However, subject to certain rules javascript can be used.

1. Any use of javascript must have another server based option as a fallback - so client machines without javascript enabled will still function.

2. No significant blocks of javascript to choke dialup connections (see goal 2).

3. The javascript used should be used consistently throughout the code.

4. Scripts easily readable and modifiable by a business.

This last goal/objective is contentious and not all agree with the CodingConventions that have been adopted and the rigour applied in ensuring code conforms to them. The ultimate aim is to make the code as simple as possible for a reader of the code and to minimise the learning curve of new developers in getting to grips with the scripts that make up webERP. New scripts created must adhere to the coding conventions and style. It is hoped that business people can look at webERP code and pick up the essentials of PHP necessary to give their business a real competitive advantage.
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