There is also a table in the database called scripts which is probably more up to date than this.

script name : pagedescription
AccountGroups.php : Defines the groupings of general ledger accounts
AccountSections.php : Defines the sections of general ledger account groups
AgedDebtors.php : Lists customer account balances in detail or summary in selected currency
AgedSuppliers.php : Lists supplier account balances in detail or summary in selected currency
Areas.php : Defines the sales areas - all customers must belong to a sales area for the purposes of sales analysis
BankAccounts.php : Defines the general ledger code for bank accounts and specifies that bank transactions be created for these accounts for the purposes of reconciliation
BankMatching.php : Allows payments and receipts to be matched off against bank statements
BankReconciliation.php : Displays the bank reconciliation for a selected bank account
BOMInquiry.php : Displays the bill of material with cost information
BOMListing.php : Lists the bills of material for a selected range of items
BOMs.php : Administers the bills of material for a selected item
COGSGLPostings.php : Defines the general ledger account to be used for cost of sales entries
CompanyPreferences.php : Defines the settings applicable for the company, including name, address, tax authority reference, whether GL integration used etc.
ConfirmDispatch_Invoice.php : Creates sales invoices from entered sales orders based on the quantities dispatched that can be modified
ConfirmDispatchControlled_Invoice.php : Specifies the batch references/serial numbers of items dispatched that are being invoiced
CreditItemsControlled.php : Specifies the batch references/serial numbers of items being credited back into stock
Credit_Invoice.php : Creates a credit note based on the details of an existing invoice
CreditStatus.php : Defines the credit status records. Each customer account is given a credit status from this table. Some credit status records can prohibit invoicing and new orders being entered.
Currencies.php : Defines the currencies available. Each customer and supplier must be defined as transacting in one of the currencies defined here.
CustEDISetup.php : Allows the set up the customer specified EDI parameters for server, email or ftp.
CustomerAllocations.php : Allows customer receipts and credit notes to be allocated to sales invoices
CustomerBranches.php : Defines the details of customer branches such as delivery address and contact details - also sales area, representative etc
CustomerInquiry.php : Shows the customers account transactions with balances outstanding, links available to drill down to invoice/credit note or email invoices/credit notes
CustomerReceipt.php : Entry of both customer receipts against accounts receivable and also general ledger or nominal receipts
Customers.php : Defines the setup of a customer account, including payment terms, billing address, credit status, currency etc
CustomerTransInquiry.php : Lists in html the sequence of customer transactions, invoices, credit notes or receipts by a user entered date range
CustWhereAlloc.php : Shows to which invoices a receipt was allocated to
DebtorsAtPeriodEnd.php : Shows customer balances from a previous month in PDF format
DeliveryDetails.php : Used during order entry to allow the entry of delivery addresses other than the defaulted branch delivery address and information about carrier/shipping method etc
DiscountCategories.php : Defines the items belonging to a discount category. Discount Categories are used to allow discounts based on quantities across a range of producs
DiscountMatrix.php : Defines the rates of discount applicable to discount categories and the customer groupings to which the rates are to apply
EDIMessageFormat.php : Specifies the EDI message format used by a customer - administrator use only.
EDIProcessOrders.php : Processes incoming EDI orders into sales orders
EDISendInvoices.php : Processes invoiced EDI customer invoices into EDI messages and sends using the customers preferred method either ftp or email attachments.
EmailCustTrans.php : Emails selected invoice or credit to the customer
FreightCosts.php : Defines the setup of the freight cost using different shipping methods to different destinations. The system can use this information to calculate applicable freight if the items are defined with the correct kgs and cubic volume
FTP_RadioBeacon.php : FTPs sales orders for dispatch to a radio beacon software enabled warehouse dispatching facility
GLAccountInquiry.php : Shows the general ledger transactions for a specified account over a specified range of periods
GLAccounts.php : Defines the general ledger accounts
GLBalanceSheet.php : Shows the balance sheet for the company as at a specified date
GLBudgets.php : Records GL budgets for the current fiscal year and the next year for each account
GLCodesInquiry.php : Shows the list of general ledger codes defined with account names and groupings
GLJournal.php : Entry of general ledger journals, periods are calculated based on the date entered here
GLProfit_Loss.php : Shows the profit and loss of the company for the range of periods entered
GLTransInquiry.php : Shows the general ledger journal created for the sub ledger transaction specified
GLTrialBalance.php : Shows the trial balance for the month and the for the period selected together with the budgeted trial balances
GoodsReceived.php : Entry of items received against purchase orders
GoodsReceivedControlled.php : Entry of the serial numbers or batch references for controlled items received against purchase orders
ImportOrdersTowebERP.php : Based on the script to import zen-cart orders to webERP this script takes a file name of a comma delimited file CSV and imports it into webERP orders
index.php : This screen allows the user to click on links to navigate to to the desired area of functionality
InventoryPlanning.php : Creates a pdf report showing the last 4 months use of items including as a component of assemblies together with stock quantity on hand, current demand for the item and current quantity on sales order.
InventoryValuation.php : Creates a pdf report showing the value of stock at standard cost for a range of product categories selected
Locations.php : Defines the inventory stocking locations or warehouses
Logout.php : Shows when the user logs out of webERP
MailInventoryValuation.php : Meant to be run as a scheduled process to email the stock valuation off to a specified person. Creates the same stock valuation report as InventoryValuation.php
MailSalesReport.php : Creates a sales analysis pdf report and emails it to the defined receipients. This script is meant to be run as a scheduled process for daily or weekly sales reporting
MailSalesReport_csv.php : Creates a sales analysis report as a comma separated values (csv) file and emails it to the defined receipients. This script is meant to be run as a scheduled process for daily or weekly sales reporting
OrderDetails.php : Shows the detail of a sales order
OutstandingGRNs.php : Creates a pdf showing all GRNs for which there has been no purchase invoice matched off against.
PaymentAllocations.php : This page is called from SupplierInquiry.php when the 'view payments' button is selected
PaymentMethods.php : Defines the payment methods and whether they are used for payments, receipts or both
Payments.php : Entry of bank account payments either against an AP account or a general ledger payment - if the AP-GL link in company preferences is set
PaymentTerms.php : Defines the payment terms records, these can be expressed as either a number of days credit or a day in the following month. All customers and suppliers must have a corresponding payment term recorded against their account
PDFBankingSummary.php : Creates a pdf showing the amounts entered as receipts on a specified date together with references for the purposes of banking
PDFChequeListing.php : Creates a pdf showing all payments that have been made from a specified bank account over a specified period. This can be emailed to an email account defined in config.php - ie a financial controller
PDFCustomerList.php : Creates a report of the customer and branch information held. This report has options to print only customer branches in a specified sales area and sales person. Additional option allows to list only those customers with activity either under or over a specified amount, since a specified date.
PDFDeliveryDifferences.php : Creates a pdf report listing the delivery differences from what the customer requested as recorded in the order entry. The report calculates a percentage of order fill based on the number of orders filled in full on time
PDFDIFOT.php : Creates a pdf report for Delivery In Full On Time
PDFLowGP.php : Creates a pdf report showing the low gross profit sales made in the selected date range. The percentage of gp deemed acceptable can also be entered
PDFOrdersInvoiced.php : Creates the report for invoiced orders
PDFOrderStatus.php : Reports on sales order status by date range, by stock location and stock category - producing a pdf showing each line items and any quantites delivered
PDFPriceList.php : Creates a pdf of the price list applicable to a given sales type and customer. Also allows the listing of prices specific to a customer
PDFQuotation.php : Creates a report of a selected quotation.
PDFStockCheckComparison.php : Creates a pdf comparing the quantites entered as counted at a given range of locations against the quantity stored as on hand as at the time a stock check was initiated.
PDFStockLocTransfer.php : Creates a stock location transfer docket for the selected location transfer reference number
PDFStockNegatives.php : Lists negative stocks in PDF format
PeriodsInquiry.php : Shows a list of all the system defined periods
phpinfo.php : Details about PHP installation on the server
PO_Chk_ShiptRef_JobRef.php : Checks the Shipment of JobReference number is correct during AP invoice entry
PO_Header.php : Entry of a purchase order header record - date, references buyer etc
PO_Items.php : Entry of a purchase order items - allows entry of items with lookup of currency cost from Purchasing Data previously entered also allows entry of nominal items against a general ledger code if the AP is integrated to the GL
PO_OrderDetails.php : Purchase order inquiry shows the quantity received and invoiced of purchase order items as well as the header information
PO_PDFPurchOrder.php : Creates a pdf of the selected purchase order for printing or email to one of the supplier contacts entered
PO_SelectOSPurchOrder.php : Shows the outstanding purchase orders for selecting with links to receive or modify the purchase order header and items
PO_SelectPurchOrder.php : Allows selection of any purchase order with links to the inquiry
Prices.php : Entry of prices for a selected item also allows selection of sales type and currency for the price
Prices_Customer.php : Entry of prices for a selected item and selected customer/branch. The currency and sales type is defaulted from the customers record
PrintCustOrder.php : Creates a pdf of the dispatch note - by default this is expected to be on two part pre-printed stationery to allow pickers to note discrepancies for the confirmer to update the dispatch at the time of invoicing
PrintCustOrder_generic.php : Creates two copies of a laser printed dispatch note - both copies need to be written on by the pickers with any discrepancies to advise customer of any shortfall and on the office copy to ensure the correct quantites are invoiced
PrintCustStatements.php : Creates a pdf for the customer statements in the selected range
PrintCustTrans.php : Creates either a html invoice or credit note or a pdf. A range of invoices or credit notes can be selected also.
PrintCustTransPortrait.php : Used instead of PrintCustTrans.php if the "Invoice Orientation" in Setup > Configuration Settings is set to "Portrait"
PurchData.php : Entry of supplier purchasing data, the suppliers part reference and the suppliers currency cost of the item
RecurringSalesOrders.php : This is where the details specific to the recurring order are entered and the template committed to the database once the Process button is hit
RecurringSalesOrdersProcess.php : Processes recurring sales orders can be set to run from cron or a scheduler to process recurring sales orders automatically
report_runner.php : This program is designed to run reports in batch command mode for weberp.
ReverseGRN.php : Reverses the entry of goods received - creating stock movements back out and necessary general ledger journals to effect the reversal
SalesAnalReptCols.php : Entry of the definition of a sales analysis reports columns.
SalesAnalRepts.php : Entry of the definition of a sales analysis report headers
SalesAnalysis_UserDefined.php : Creates a pdf of a selected user defined sales analysis report
SalesCategories.php : Not used currently but could be used to create categories of sales for sales analysis reporting
SalesGLPostings.php : Defines the general ledger accounts used to post sales to based on product categories and sales areas
SalesGraph.php : Produces a graph of sales based on inputs.
SalesPeople.php : Defines the sales people of the business
SalesTypes.php : Defines the sales types - prices are held against sales types they can be considered price lists. Sales analysis records are held by sales type too.
SelectCompletedOrder.php : Allows the selection of completed sales orders for inquiries - choices to select by item code or customer
SelectCreditItems.php : Entry of credit notes from scratch, selecting the items in either quick entry mode or searching for them manually
SelectCustomer.php : Selection of customer - from where all customer related maintenance, transactions and inquiries start
SelectGLAccount.php : Selection of general ledger account from where all general ledger account maintenance, or inquiries are initiated
SelectOrderItems.php : Entry of sales order items with both quick entry and part search functions
SelectProduct.php : Selection of items. All item maintenance, transactions and inquiries start with this script
SelectRecurringSalesOrder.php : Selection of recurring sales order template
SelectSalesOrder.php : Selects a sales order irrespective of completed or not for inquiries
SelectSupplier.php : Selects a supplier. A supplier is required to be selected before any AP transactions and before any maintenance or inquiry of the supplier
SelectWorkOrder.php : Allows selection of work order to modify or process
ShipmentCosting.php : Shows the costing of a shipment with all the items invoice values and any shipment costs apportioned. Updating the shipment has an option to update standard costs of all items on the shipment and create any general ledger variance journals
Shipments.php : Entry of shipments from outstanding purchase orders for a selected supplier - changes in the delivery date will cascade into the different purchase orders on the shipment
Shippers.php : Defines the shipping methods available. Each customer branch has a default shipping method associated with it which must match a record from this table
Shipt_Select.php : Selection of a shipment for displaying and modification or updating
ShiptsList.php : Shows a list of all the open shipments for a selected supplier. Linked from POItems.php
SpecialOrder.php : Allows for a sales order to be created and an indent order to be created on a supplier for a one off item that may never be purchased again. A dummy part is created based on the description and cost details given.
StockAdjustments.php : Entry of quantity corrections to stocks in a selected location.
StockAdjustmentsControlled.php : Entry of batch references or serial numbers on controlled stock items being adjusted
StockCategories.php : Defines the stock categories. All items must refer to one of these categories. The category record also allows the specification of the general ledger codes where stock items are to be posted - the balance sheet account and the profit and loss effect of any adjustments and the profit and loss effect of any price variances
StockCheck.php : Allows creation of a stock check file - copying the current quantites in stock for later comparison to the entered counts. Also produces a pdf for the count sheets.
StockCostUpdate.php : Allows update of the standard cost of items producing general ledger journals if the company preferences stock GL interface is active
StockCounts.php : Allows entry of stock counts
StockLocMovements.php : Inquiry shows the Movements of all stock items for a specified location
StockLocStatus.php : Shows the stock on hand together with outstanding sales orders and outstanding purchase orders by stock location for all items in the selected stock category
StockLocTransfer.php : Entry of a bulk stock location transfer for many parts from one location to another.
StockLocTransferReceive.php : Effects the transfer and creates the stock movements for a bulk stock location transfer initiated from StockLocTransfer.php
StockMovements.php : Shows a list of all the stock movements for a selected item and stock location including the price at which they were sold in local currency and the price at which they were purchased for in local currency
StockQties_csv.php : Makes a comma separated values (CSV)file of the stock item codes and quantities
StockQuantityByDate.php : Shows the stock on hand for each item at a selected location and stock category as at a specified date
StockReorderLevel.php : Entry and review of the re-order level of items by stocking location
Stocks.php : Defines an item - maintenance and addition of new parts
StockSerialItemResearch.php : Allows inquiry against a specific serial item to see what happened to it
StockSerialItems.php : Shows a list of the serial numbers or the batch references and quantities of controlled items. This inquiry is linked from the stock status inquiry
StockStatus.php : Shows the stock on hand together with outstanding sales orders and outstanding purchase orders by stock location for a selected part. Has a link to show the serial numbers in stock at the location selected if the item is controlled
StockTransferControlled.php : Entry of serial numbers/batch references for controlled items being received on a stock transfer. The script is used by both bulk transfers and point to point transfers
StockTransfers.php : Entry of point to point stock location transfers of a single part
StockUsage.php : Inquiry showing the quantity of stock used by period calculated from the sum of the stock movements over that period - by item and stock location. Also available over all locations
StockUsageGraph.php : Creates a graph of stock usage called from the stock usage inquiry
SuppCreditGRNs.php : Entry of a supplier credit notes (debit notes) against existing GRN which have already been matched in full or in part
SuppInvGLAnalysis.php :Shows how a supplier invoice was posted to the GL
SuppInvGRNs.php : Entry of supplier invoices against goods received
SupplierAllocations.php : Entry of allocations of supplier payments and credit notes to invoices
SupplierBalsAtPeriodEnd.php : Produces a list of supplier balances in local currency as at a previous month end based on period end dates
SupplierContacts.php : Entry of supplier contacts and contact details including email addresses
SupplierCredit.php : Entry of supplier credit notes (debit notes)
SupplierInquiry.php : Inquiry showing invoices, credit notes and payments made to suppliers together with the amounts outstanding
SupplierInvoice.php : Entry of supplier invoices
Suppliers.php : Entry of new suppliers and maintenance of existing suppliers
SupplierTransInquiry.php : Shows the detail of a supplier transaction
SuppPaymentRun.php : Automatic creation of payment records based on calculated amounts due from AP invoices entered
SuppShiptChgs.php : Entry of supplier invoices against shipments as charges against a shipment
SuppTransGLAnalysis.php : Entry of supplier invoices against general ledger codes
SystemParameters.php : Configuration Settings page under Setup
Tax.php : Creates a report of the ad-valoerm tax - GST/VAT - for the period selected from accounts payable and accounts receivable data
TaxAuthorities.php : Entry of tax authorities - the state intitutions that charge tax
TaxAuthorityRates.php : Entry of the rates of tax applicable to the tax authority depending on the item tax level
TaxCategories.php : Allows maintenance of the tax categories - these relate to the tax treatment of different items - some attracting GST/VAT etc others not or different rates.
TaxGroups.php : Allows maintenance of different groups of taxes applicable. Each customer and supplier is given a tax group and this holds the definition of the taxes payable/collectable from the customer/supplier
TaxProvinces.php : Allows maintenance of the provinces of tax. Each warehouse is defined as being in a tax province and the tax rates applicable can vary depending on the tax province of the warehouse and the tax authorities in the tax groups of the customer/supplier.
UnitsOfMeasure.php : Allows maintenace and input of units of measure recorded against each item
UserSettings.php : Allows the user to change system wide defaults for the theme - appearance, the number of records to show in searches and the language to display messages in
WhereUsedInquiry.php : Inquiry showing where an item is used ie all the parents where the item is a component of
WorkCentres.php : Defines the various centres of work within a manufacturing company. Also the overhead and labour rates applicable to the work centre and its standard capacity
WorkOrderCosting.php : This shows the work order and the costs of items issued to it and the cost of work received from it
WorkOrderEntry.php : Entry of new work orders
WorkOrderIssue.php : Issue of materials to a work order
WorkOrderReceive.php : Allows goods to be received against the work order as finished
WorkOrderStatus.php :
WWW_Access.php : Defines user roles and their assigned permissions/security tokens
WWW_Users.php : Entry of users and security settings of users
Z_ChangeBranchCode.php : Utility to change the branch code of a customer that cascades the change through all the necessary tables
Z_ChangeCustomerCode.php : Utility to change a customer code that cascades the change through all the necessary tables
Z_ChangeStockCode.php : Utility to change an item code that cascades the change through all the necessary tables
Z_CheckAllocationsFrom.php :
Z_CheckAllocs.php :
Z_CheckDebtorsControl.php : Inquiry that shows the total local currency (functional currency) balance of all customer accounts to reconcile with the general ledger debtors account
Z_CreateChartDetails.php : Utility page to create chart detail records for all general ledger accounts and periods created - needs expert assistance in use
Z_CreateCompany.php : Utility to insert company number 1 if not already there - actually only company 1 is used - the system is not multi-company
Z_CurrencyDebtorsBalances.php : Inquiry that shows the total foreign currency together with the total local currency (functional currency) balances of all customer accounts to reconcile with the general ledger debtors account
Z_CurrencySuppliersBalances.php : Inquiry that shows the total foreign currency amounts and also the local currency (functional currency) balances of all supplier accounts to reconcile with the general ledger creditors account
Z_DeleteCreditNote.php : Utility to reverse a customer credit note - a desperate measure that should not be used except in extreme circumstances
Z_DeleteInvoice.php : Utility to reverse a customer invoice - a desperate measure that should not be used except in extreme circumstances
Z_DeleteSalesTransActions.php : Utility to delete all sales transactions, sales analysis the lot! Extreme care required!!!
Z_MakeStockLocns.php : Utility to make LocStock records for all items and locations if not already set up.
Z_PriceChanges.php : Utility to make bulk pricing alterations to selected sales type price lists or selected customer prices only
Z_ReApplyCostToSA.php : Utility to allow the sales analysis table to be updated with the latest cost information - the sales analysis takes the cost at the time the sale was made to reconcile with the enteries made in the gl.
Z_RePostGLFromPeriod.php : Utility to repost all general ledger transaction commencing from a specified period. This can take some time in busy environments. Normally GL transactions are posted automatically each time a trial balance or profit and loss account is run
Z_ReverseSuppPaymentRun.php : Utility to reverse an entire Supplier payment run
Z_UpdateChartDetailsBFwd.php : Utility to recalculate the ChartDetails table B/Fwd balances - extreme care!!
Z_UploadForm.php : Utility to upload a file to a remote server
Z_UploadResult.php : Utility to upload a file to a remote server
Z_index.php : Utility menu page showing links to many of the utilities that do not appear from the main menu
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