Revision history for PettyCashManagement

Revision [1761]

Last edited on 2010-02-19 21:32:41 by TeHonu
**Note:** I'm cleaning / rearranging this page to make it look like a manual. Will be finished soon...

Revision [1760]

Edited on 2010-02-19 21:32:14 by TeHonu [General edit on module submit. 1st version of user]
=====Petty Cash Managememt system=====
This for employees to submit expense claims directly in the system - that are then authorised by their immediate supervisor.
Allows control petty cash expenses in a friendly way, so every employee (without any accounting knowlegde) can enter their expenses, get paid for them, etc
It consists on a temporary GL table (pcashdetails), containing all info about payments and expenses done as petty cash. Once authorized by a supervisor (both cash assignments or expenses) are posted in gltrans table and flagged.
Once any transacion in the petty cash system has been posted can not be modified, edited or deleted in any way. Once posted, that's it.
====Set up general parameters====
===Set up expenses===
Definition of expenses allowed to be used in the Petty Cash system. This table is used to isolate non-accountant users (most of workers/users of webERP) from the technical details and names used in accounting.
E.g.: Code Expense: FUEL-COMMERCIAL
Description: Fuel for cars used on commercial trips to customers
Account: 12345678 - Commercial car expenses

So when the system posts a petty cash expense against gltrans table, it will be posted against the GL account code selected.
PcExpenses.php is used to maintain this table (pcexpenses).
===Set up types of tabs===
Different kinds of users have different privileges. CEO can spend petty cash money on a different way than a truck driver does (no disrespect, for any of them ;-). The system maintain these different categories of tabs of table pctypetabs.
PcTypeTabs.php is used to define this kind of different tabs.
E.g.: Director, Office staff, Truck Driver, etc.
===Set up expenses allowed for type of tab===
The link between types of tabs and expenses.
Here we need to define which expenses are allowed to a certain type of tab. This table is used to prevent users assigning expenses for expenses not allowed. as example, a user with role "member of parlament" could have a tab of a type "all allowed, including night drinks in a pub", while a user with role "hard worker" could have a tab of a type "transport to workplace" only, so the system can achieve a better control of each one's expenses.
Each company must define here the policy of petty cash pahyments.
PcExpensesTypeTab.php is the script managing this.
===Set up tabs===
PcTabs.php is the script used to set up petty cash tabs.
A petty cash tab contains:
- Tab Code
- User: User of the tab. Who is spending/receiving moeny for petty cash expenses. Must be a webERP user.
- Type of tab: As previously defined.
- Currency: A tab will handle money in one currency only. So users allowed to spend in 2 or more currencies (e.g. international commercial team) will have 1 tab for each currency.
- Limit: Maximum amount the user can spend, to have a better control. Nowadays it only issues a warning of the supervisor, but can be coded to work differently (better).
- Authorizer: User supervisor of the petty cash user. User authorizing (or not) expenses done, checking money is spent wisely and asigning cash to users.
- GL Account For Cash Assignment: GL account where the cash assigment comes from. It must be a bank account, so when assigning cash to a tab, the system will deduct the amount from the bank account and increase the petty cash account.
- GL Account Petty Cash Tab. In GL we should have an account (one per currency) to reflect "amount of money distributed among employees" or "Petty Cash Account". This is the account where the money goes after a cash assigment is done or where the money comes where an expense is posted.
At this point we have the system ready to work.
===Assignment of cash===
The supervisor (authorizer) gives money cash to an employee to be used as petty cash. In script PcAssignCashToTab.php we record this fact.
Supervisor can select only the tabs he/she is supervisor.
Must specify amount, date.
There are 2 additional fields:
- Notes: For any further detail needed to remember
- Receipt: In case the company has a physical receipt, or any proof, the code, number, etc of this receipt, to help solving disputes later on.
At this stage no tranasction is posted in gltrans table, only at pcashdetails we write down: "Supervisor gives to user X (tab really), Y dollars on date D".
Cash Assignments can be edited and deleted before are authorized. Once authorized and posted can not be modified in any way.
===Expense claims===
Employee will go out and spend money. Then will report to webERP these expenses in script PcClaimExpensesFromTab.php
Employee will select a tab (from his/her own tabs). And then records details of all expenses incurred:
- Date
- Code of expense (from the list his/her tab is allowed depending on the type of tab involved)
- Amount
- Notes: For any further detail needed to remember
- Receipt: In case the company has a physical receipt, or any proof, the code, number, etc of this receipt, to help solving disputes later on.
At this stage no tranasction is posted in gltrans table, only at pcashdetails we write down: "User U reports spending X amount in concept C on date D".
Expenses reported can be edited and deleted before are authorized. Once authorized and posted can not be modified in any way.
===Expense authoritation===
Supervisor will need to authorize expenses and cash assignemnts reported.
In script PcAuthorizeExpenses.php the supervisor must select a tab he/she is supervising
If there is any assignment or expense not authorized yet, it can be checked and if correct just tick it. If incorrect or in doubt (an employee claiming 10.000.000 USD for fuel car) he can call/email/report him and sort it out. Because it's not authorized yet it can be modified (to 100 USD...)
Once the update button is pressed and there are some entried ticked, then GL posting occurs.
===Posting workflow===
If a cash assigment need to be posted then:
In gltrans
- Amount of assigment is deducted from "GL Account For Cash Assignment" as specified in tab definition.
- Amount of assigment is increased in "GL Account Petty Cash Tab" as specified in tab definition.
In banktrans
- The bank transaction is recorded conveninetly to report the moeny going out from the "GL Account For Cash Assignment"
If an expense need to be posted then:
In gltrans
- Amount of expense is deducted from "GL Account Petty Cash Tab" as specified in tab definition.
- Amount of expense is increased in "GL Expense Account" as specified in expenses definition.
All users must be webERP users.
Security setting 6 has been created to allow users use this module.
So employees can login into webERP only to claim / report their expenses, if allowed.
===About advance payments===
About advance payments or refunds, we always run "open tabs", so employees asks for money first, and later on they spend it (we hope in an appropriate manner) and then report expenses incurred. Any difference will be settled "next report" or "next cash assignment". That's the idea keeping expense report and cash assignment separate, as it's flexible and fits all situations:
**Note:** I'm cleaning / rearranging this page to make it look like a manual. Will be finished soon...
We are working in a petty cash managememt system, integrated in webERP.
<Phil>Is this for employees to submit expense claims directly in the system - that are then authorised by their immediate supervisor before payment? It sounds like a great initiative.
How will it work:
1. Administrator sets up an employee with a series of tabs? Ricard: Yes, a user with enough security settings will cerate the tabs, one per employee per currency needed.
2. Employee enters expenses into pcashexpenses ? Ricard: Yes
3. Authorisor can see their employees expenses and must approve Ricard: Yes
4. Accounts clerk then can do payment which is coded as per the pcashexpenses->tabs (see further down)
Not sure I understand what each of the tables are for and the relationship between them?
We plane to use www_users table for both employees and supervisors, just working the access permissions to the other scripts. (we'll need some help in this point, I guess)
====Goal: ====
Control petty cash expenses in a friendly way, so every employee (without any accounting knowlegde) can enter their expenses, get paid for them, etc.
====Tables proposed:====
pcexpenses (Expenses to be reported with Petty Cash System, with a description for non accountants)
- codeexpense varchar(20) (code for the group)
- description varchar(50) (text description, e.g. meals, train tickets, fuel, etc)
- GL Account int(11) (GL related account)
pctypetabs (types of tabs, to prevent users assigning expenses for expenses not allowed. as example, a user with role "member of parlament" could have a tab of a type "all allowed, including night drinks in a pub", while a user with role "hard worker" could have a tab of a type "transport to workplace" only, so the system can achieve a better control of each one's expenses). Each company xan define here the policy of petty cash pahyments.
- typetabcode varchar(20)
- typetabdescription varchar(50) (description of the type of tab)
- glcashfrom int(11) (gl account where the money comes initially from)
pctabexpenses (list of expenses allowed to a type of tab)
- typetabcode varchar(20)
- codeexpense varchar(20) (code for the group)
tabs (every user have 1 or more tabs (like bar tabs), one per currency, with a limit and a authorizer user assigned)
- usercode varchar(20) (code of user employee from www_users)
- tabcode varchar(20)
- typetabcode varchar(20)
- currency char(3)
- limit double
- authorizer varchar(20) (code of user from www_users)
- glpettycash int(11) (petty cash gl account )
This table will keep the general tab information. Eg. John, JO-USD, USD, 1.000, SUPERVISORCODE, 1100 (Petty cash John)

`pcashdetails` (
`tabcode` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`date` date NOT NULL,
`amount` double NOT NULL,
`authorized` date NOT NULL COMMENT 'date cash assigment was revised and authorized by authorizer from tabs table',
`posted` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
`notes` text NOT NULL
====Scripts Needed:====
1) GroupExpenses maintenance:
This script will keep the different kinds of expenses the employees can use, against groupexpenses table. Eg: (STAT, Stationery, 7500) (for stationery small expenses). This informattion will be used at posting time, to assign expenses to the correct GL account.
2) Tabs maintenance
This script will keep the general tab information against tabs table. Eg. John, JO-USD, USD, 1.000, SUPERVISORCODE, 1010 (Cash in USD)
3) AssignCashToTab
This script keeps track of the money given to an employee, against pccashassignment.
Simmetrically to pccashexpenses, this table will keep track of the money given to an employee. Some companies gives the money before hand, some afterwards. This apporach makes webERP independent of the selected system. (Not linking cash assignments to cash expenses directly). The important data is the tab balance itself
4) ExpensesIntoTab
This script will be used by the employee after he/she occurs in the expense, registering the expenses at TAB assigned, date (for control and posting purposes), amount, concept of the expense (code) and any note that he/she thinks appropiate.
- Selection of TAB (from dropdown list containing TABS belonging to employee)
- Input of several expenses: Date, amount, code, note
- Accept (and error trapping)
5) AuthorizeExpenses
In a later stage (authorising), the authoriser will check the "pending" expenses and accept it or will ask the employee for further details before accepting the expense.
- Selection of "Which tabs" (All, only with revision pending, already revised)
- Selection of TAB belonging to Supervisor (as supervisor, not as employee) from dropdown list (showing all tabs which he is Supervisor complaining previous condition)
- Show expenses of the TAB, allowing a check box to be ticked if accepted
- Final OK
6) PostCashAssigmentExpenses
Batch post of all autorized and not yet posted expenses and cash assignments
In another later stage (can be done weekly) a "Posting Petty Cash Expenses" script will post all these expenses into the GL system.
- Selection of all expenses and cash assignments not posted yet
- Order expenses by date
- post Movements on GL tables (will need Phil's or Tim's supervision to code this properly)
- update posted flag
7) PDFStatusTab
PDF report: Status of a tab, from - to date
Just a control report to keep formal proof of money in / out.
=====Extra details=====
Users: All users should be webERP users. I think it's the easiest way and not a big deal, it's just a question of setting up the correct security settings. So employees can login into webERP only to claim / report their expenses, if allowed. I think it's important to keep just one table of users. The "category" of the user is quite granular in the currect www_users, it's just setting it up (if I'm not wrong, or missing something).
About advance payments or refunds, we always run "open tabs", so employees asks for money, they spend it (we hope in an appropriate manner) and then report expenses incurred. Any difference will be settled "next report" or "next cash assignment". That's the idea keeping expense report and cash assignment separate, as it's flexible and fits all situations:
Transfers between bank accounts and PC bins: Not clear what you mean (I'm not an accountant and I'm not a native English speaker), but as far as I can think of, that's controlled in cash assignments and posting.
Clerk gives 500 USD to employee: in table pccashassignment we register 500 USD into employee's USD tab. Status: employee owes 500 to company.
Employee spends and gets authorization for 350 USD.
End on month, posting scripts reads all autorized BUT not posted records at pcashassigment and pcashexpenses, posting them at the appropiate GL account (bank account or expense account), as maintanted in groupexpenses or tabs tables.
Posting 500 from USD cash account to petty cash USD
-100 from petty cash to hotel
-200 from petty cash to food
-50 from petty cash to fuel

Revision [1725]

Edited on 2009-12-06 23:36:11 by TeHonu [General edit on module submit. 1st version of user]
- glcashfrom int(11) (gl account where the money comes initially from)
`pcashdetails` (
`tabcode` varchar(20) NOT NULL,
`date` date NOT NULL,
`amount` double NOT NULL,
`authorized` date NOT NULL COMMENT 'date cash assigment was revised and authorized by authorizer from tabs table',
`posted` tinyint(4) NOT NULL,
`notes` text NOT NULL
- glcashfrom int(11) (gl account where the money comes from)
- tabcode varchar(20) (from tabs)
- date date
- amount double
- codeexpense varchar(20) (from groupexpenses)
- authorized date (date expense was revised and authorized by authorizer from tabs table)
- posted tinyint(4) (yes/no)
- notes text
- tabcode varchar(20) (from tabs)
- date date
- amount double
- authorized date (date cash assigment was revised and authorized by authorizer from tabs table)
- posted tinyint(4) (yes/no)
- notes text
**pcashassignment ans pcashexpenses need to be just one table, not 2 as noted above. I'm working on it and will update it**

Revision [1663]

Edited on 2009-11-02 01:17:35 by TeHonu [General edit on module submit. 1st version of user]
pcexpenses (Expenses to be reported with Petty Cash System, with a description for non accountants)
pctypetabs (types of tabs, to prevent users assigning expenses for expenses not allowed. as example, a user with role "member of parlament" could have a tab of a type "all allowed, including night drinks in a pub", while a user with role "hard worker" could have a tab of a type "transport to workplace" only, so the system can achieve a better control of each one's expenses). Each company xan define here the policy of petty cash pahyments.
- typetabcode varchar(20)
- typetabdescription varchar(50) (description of the type of tab)
pctabexpenses (list of expenses allowed to a type of tab)
- typetabcode varchar(20)
- typetabcode varchar(20)
This table will keep the general tab information. Eg. John, JO-USD, USD, 1.000, SUPERVISORCODE, 1100 (Petty cash John)
**pcashassignment ans pcashexpenses need to be just one table, not 2 as noted above. I'm working on it and will update it**
This table will keep the general tab information. Eg. John, JO-USD, USD, 1.000, SUPERVISORCODE, 1010 (Cash in USD), 1100 (Petty cash John)

Revision [1658]

Edited on 2009-10-29 18:13:26 by TeHonu [General edit on module submit. 1st version of user]
- glcashfrom int(11) (gl account where the money comes from)
- glaccountassignment int(11) (gl account where the money comes from)

Revision [1656]

Edited on 2009-10-27 01:39:14 by TeHonu [General edit on module submit. 1st version of user]
- glpettycash int(11) (petty cash gl account )
This table will keep the general tab information. Eg. John, JO-USD, USD, 1.000, SUPERVISORCODE, 1010 (Cash in USD), 1100 (Petty cash John)
This table will keep the general tab information. Eg. John, JO-USD, USD, 1.000, SUPERVISORCODE, 1010 (Cash in USD),

Revision [1651]

Edited on 2009-10-19 21:36:24 by TeHonu [General edit on module submit. 1st version of user]
1) GroupExpenses maintenance:
2) Tabs maintenance
3) AssignCashToTab
4) ExpensesIntoTab
5) AuthorizeExpenses
6) PostCashAssigmentExpenses
Batch post of all autorized and not yet posted expenses and cash assignments
7) PDFStatusTab
PDF report: Status of a tab, from - to date
1) Groupexpenses maintenance:
2) tabs maintenance
3) Assign cash to a tab
4) Select a tab and enter expenses
5) Authorize expenses
6) Batch post of all autorized and not yet posted expenses and cash assignments
7) PDF report: Status of a tab, from - to date

Revision [1650]

Edited on 2009-10-19 21:31:10 by TeHonu [General edit on module submit. 1st version of user]
- codeexpense varchar(20) (code for the group)
- description varchar(50) (text description, e.g. meals, train tickets, fuel, etc)
- GL Account int(11) (GL related account)
- usercode varchar(20) (code of user employee from www_users)
- tabcode varchar(20)
- currency char(3)
- limit double
- authorizer varchar(20) (code of user from www_users)
- glaccountassignment int(11) (gl account where the money comes from)
- tabcode varchar(20) (from tabs)
- date date
- amount double
- codeexpense varchar(20) (from groupexpenses)
- authorized date (date expense was revised and authorized by authorizer from tabs table)
- posted tinyint(4) (yes/no)
- notes text
- tabcode varchar(20) (from tabs)
- date date
- amount double
- authorized date (date cash assigment was revised and authorized by authorizer from tabs table)
- posted tinyint(4) (yes/no)
- notes text
- Selection of TAB (from dropdown list containing TABS belonging to employee)
- Input of several expenses: Date, amount, code, note
- Accept (and error trapping)
- Selection of "Which tabs" (All, only with revision pending, already revised)
- Selection of TAB belonging to Supervisor (as supervisor, not as employee) from dropdown list (showing all tabs which he is Supervisor complaining previous condition)
- Show expenses of the TAB, allowing a check box to be ticked if accepted
- Final OK
6) Batch post of all autorized and not yet posted expenses and cash assignments
- Selection of all expenses and cash assignments not posted yet
- Order expenses by date
- post Movements on GL tables (will need Phil's or Tim's supervision to code this properly)
- update posted flag
- codeexpense (code for the group)
- description (text description, e.g. meals, train tickets, fuel, etc)
- GL Account (GL related account)
- usercode
- tabcode
- currency
- limit
- authorizer
- glaccountassignment (gl account where the money comes from)
- tabcode (from tabs)
- date
- amount
- codeexpense (from groupexpenses)
- authorized (date expense was revised and authorized by authorizer from tabs table)
- posted (yes/no)
- notes
- tabcode (from tabs)
- date
- amount
6) Batch post of all autorized and not yet posted expenses, cash assignments

Revision [1647]

Edited on 2009-10-16 20:42:04 by TeHonu [General edit on module submit. 1st version of user]
=====Extra details=====
Users: All users should be webERP users. I think it's the easiest way and not a big deal, it's just a question of setting up the correct security settings. So employees can login into webERP only to claim / report their expenses, if allowed. I think it's important to keep just one table of users. The "category" of the user is quite granular in the currect www_users, it's just setting it up (if I'm not wrong, or missing something).
About advance payments or refunds, we always run "open tabs", so employees asks for money, they spend it (we hope in an appropriate manner) and then report expenses incurred. Any difference will be settled "next report" or "next cash assignment". That's the idea keeping expense report and cash assignment separate, as it's flexible and fits all situations:
Example Advance of 500 USD and submit claims of 480 USD:
1) cash assignment of 500 USD
2) claims of 480 USD
3) approval of 480 USD (status: employee owes 20 USD to company)
4) there's 2 options depending on company's culture:
a) return of 20 USD (cash assignment negative, so 500-480-20 = 0 balanced)
b) employee keeps 20 USD for his next report. The system will keep track of previous expenses/ cash assigments done, to keep the balance up to date)
Example Advance of 500 USD and submit claims of 530 USD:
1) cash assignment of 500 USD
2) claims of 530 USD
3) approval of 530 USD (status: company owes 30 USD to employee)
4) there's 2 options depending on company's culture:
a) extra cash assignment of 30 USD (cash assignment positive, so 500-530+30 = 0 balanced)
b) next cash assignment of 500 USD will show he has only 470 available, as 30 were owed.
Transfers between bank accounts and PC bins: Not clear what you mean (I'm not an accountant and I'm not a native English speaker), but as far as I can think of, that's controlled in cash assignments and posting.
Clerk gives 500 USD to employee: in table pccashassignment we register 500 USD into employee's USD tab. Status: employee owes 500 to company.
Employee spends and gets authorization for 350 USD.
End on month, posting scripts reads all autorized BUT not posted records at pcashassigment and pcashexpenses, posting them at the appropiate GL account (bank account or expense account), as maintanted in groupexpenses or tabs tables.
Posting 500 from USD cash account to petty cash USD
-100 from petty cash to hotel
-200 from petty cash to food
-50 from petty cash to fuel

Revision [1646]

Edited on 2009-10-16 18:05:29 by TeHonu [General edit on module submit. 1st version of user]
1. Administrator sets up an employee with a series of tabs? Ricard: Yes, a user with enough security settings will cerate the tabs, one per employee per currency needed.
2. Employee enters expenses into pcashexpenses ? Ricard: Yes
3. Authorisor can see their employees expenses and must approve Ricard: Yes
4. Accounts clerk then can do payment which is coded as per the pcashexpenses->tabs (see further down)
We plane to use www_users table for both employees and supervisors, just working the access permissions to the other scripts. (we'll need some help in this point, I guess)
Control petty cash expenses in a friendly way, so every employee (without any accounting knowlegde) can enter their expenses, get paid for them, etc.
This table will keep the general tab information. Eg. John, JO-USD, USD, 1.000, SUPERVISORCODE, 1010 (Cash in USD),
1) Groupexpenses maintenance:
This script will keep the different kinds of expenses the employees can use, against groupexpenses table. Eg: (STAT, Stationery, 7500) (for stationery small expenses). This informattion will be used at posting time, to assign expenses to the correct GL account.
This script will keep the general tab information against tabs table. Eg. John, JO-USD, USD, 1.000, SUPERVISORCODE, 1010 (Cash in USD)
3) Assign cash to a tab
This script keeps track of the money given to an employee, against pccashassignment.
Simmetrically to pccashexpenses, this table will keep track of the money given to an employee. Some companies gives the money before hand, some afterwards. This apporach makes webERP independent of the selected system. (Not linking cash assignments to cash expenses directly). The important data is the tab balance itself
4) Select a tab and enter expenses
This script will be used by the employee after he/she occurs in the expense, registering the expenses at TAB assigned, date (for control and posting purposes), amount, concept of the expense (code) and any note that he/she thinks appropiate.
5) Authorize expenses
In a later stage (authorising), the authoriser will check the "pending" expenses and accept it or will ask the employee for further details before accepting the expense.
In another later stage (can be done weekly) a "Posting Petty Cash Expenses" script will post all these expenses into the GL system.
Just a control report to keep formal proof of money in / out.
1. Administrator sets up an employee with a series of tabs?
2. Employee enters expenses into pcashexpenses ?
3. Authorisor can see their employees expenses and must approve
4. Accounts clerk then can do payment which is coded as per the pcashexpenses->tabs
Control petty cash expenses in a friendly way, so every employee can enter their expenses, get paid for them, etc without any accounting knowlegde.
1) Groupexpenses maintenance
3) Assign cash to a tab ( = give money to an employee)
4) Select a tab and enter expenses (=employee reports his/her expenses)
5) Authorize expenses ( a supervisor revises and checks employee expenses prior to posting

Revision [1645]

Edited on 2009-10-16 15:46:52 by PhilDaintree [General edit on module submit. 1st version of user]
<Phil>Is this for employees to submit expense claims directly in the system - that are then authorised by their immediate supervisor before payment? It sounds like a great initiative.
How will it work:
1. Administrator sets up an employee with a series of tabs?
2. Employee enters expenses into pcashexpenses ?
3. Authorisor can see their employees expenses and must approve
4. Accounts clerk then can do payment which is coded as per the pcashexpenses->tabs
Not sure I understand what each of the tables are for and the relationship between them?

Revision [1644]

Edited on 2009-10-15 18:29:51 by TeHonu [General edit on module submit. 1st version of user]
====Goal: ====
Control petty cash expenses in a friendly way, so every employee can enter their expenses, get paid for them, etc without any accounting knowlegde.
====Tables proposed:====
- codeexpense (code for the group)
- description (text description, e.g. meals, train tickets, fuel, etc)
- GL Account (GL related account)
tabs (every user have 1 or more tabs (like bar tabs), one per currency, with a limit and a authorizer user assigned)
- usercode
- tabcode
- currency
- limit
- authorizer
- glaccountassignment (gl account where the money comes from)

- tabcode (from tabs)
- date
- amount
- codeexpense (from groupexpenses)
- authorized (date expense was revised and authorized by authorizer from tabs table)
- posted (yes/no)
- notes
- tabcode (from tabs)
- date
- amount
====Scripts Needed:====
1) Groupexpenses maintenance
2) tabs maintenance
3) Assign cash to a tab ( = give money to an employee)
4) Select a tab and enter expenses (=employee reports his/her expenses)
5) Authorize expenses ( a supervisor revises and checks employee expenses prior to posting
6) Batch post of all autorized and not yet posted expenses, cash assignments
7) PDF report: Status of a tab, from - to date
Goal: Control petty cash expenses in a friendly waay, so every employee can enter their expenses, get paid for them, etc without any accounting knowlegde.
tables proposed:

Revision [1643]

The oldest known version of this page was created on 2009-10-15 18:09:25 by TeHonu [General edit on module submit. 1st version of user]
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