Revision [297]

This is an old revision of FilesScriptsPagesAndTokensList made by PhilDaintree on 2007-10-05 12:08:49.


Files / Scripts / Pages and Tokens List

Security is explained in the manual as well as another document in the development area of this wiki. The following is a handy list of the files/scripts/pages and what page security they have. This list is on the wiki in the hope that everyone can help expand and maintain it. Feel free to fill in various sections not done yet...

# |#
|Section|Subsection|File / Script / Page|PageSecurity
Sales Transactions
SelectSalesOrder |SelectOrderItems |ConfirmDispatch_Invoice |SpecialOrder |SelectRecurringSalesOrder |RecurringSalesOrdersProcess|$AllowAnyone =TRUE???
|Inquiries and Reports
SelectCompletedOrder |PDFPriceList |PDFOrderStatus |PDFOrdersInvoiced |PDFDeliveryDifferences |PDFDIFOTMaintenance
No options|Receivables Transactions
|Inquiries and Reports
Payables Transactions
|Inquiries and Reports
Purchases Transactions
|Inquiries and Reports
Inventory Transactions
PO_SelectOSPurchOrder |StockLocTransfer|11
StockLocTransferReceive |StockTransfers|11
StockCountsInquiries and Reports
StockMovements |StockStatus |StockUsage |InventoryValuation |InventoryPlanning |StockCheck |StockQties_cvs |PDFStockCheckComparison |StockLocMovements |StockLocStatus |StockQuantityByDate |PDFStockNegativesMaintenance
SelectProduct |SalesCategories|11
Manufacturing Transactions
|Inquiries and Reports
General Ledger Transactions
|Inquiries and Reports
Setup General
|Receivables / Payables

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