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Ferran Cabrer i Vilagut is President of CONSEN (EEIG) and General Manager of MUFICATA S.L.

Ferran, Industrial and Agricultural Engineer of profession and Master in Business Administration, started working as manager of the department of R&D phito-pharmaceutical across Spain. Affected by the petroleum world crisis and the prohibition of agrochemical phosphorates products, in a personal entrepreneur project opened a Enterprises Information and Technologic enterprises consulting in Barcelona area. The Internet was the instrument used to start the Corporate Finance and Merged & Acquisitions International services, that finally they was converted in EU information and project management services, creating CONSEN as Open Information Environment for working at European level.

After the past four years, net-working, CONSEN (EEIG) has become, what do you know now the first, unique and leader EURO-GROUP formed by SMES IST-OS, experts in cooperating in Research and Technology Development and Innovation at European Level. All the experience is injected/transfered as innovation factor at the partner local level, to reach a leadership position. The CONSEN works and activities are projects funded and European tenders, where we act in operative sets of synergic competences for business. In future the grouping is planning to launch a Euro-brochure of services. The Euro-cluster is starting to be operative, providing the partner services to the grouping and also to the partners.

Now Ferran is running SIGOSSEE (Special Interest Groups in Open Source Software in Education in Europe) project; TOSSAD (Towards Open-Source Software Adoption and Dissemination) FP6-IST-3 project and collaborate as Vice-Chairman of the Knowledge@work community integrate in the Ambient Intelligence at work initiative of the "New Collaborative Environments" Strategic Objective and COMIST (Communities to IST in the NMS).

en Ferran Cabrer i Vilagut
CONSEN (EEIG) Euro-Group
Skype: Ferran.Cabrer
Tel: +34 93 4238267 Fax: +34 93 4233430
Jaume Fabra, 12, 08004 Barcelona
Euro-Cluster Alliance of SMES
pro-Information Society Technologies

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