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SMTP server configuring
02-24-2013, 08:06 AM, (This post was last modified: 02-24-2013, 08:18 AM by phil.)
RE: SMTP server configuring
Pretty sure this will be a php config issue - check smtp settings in php.ini
The smtp functionality in webERP is redundant really as emails are sent by the php mail command without the smtp parameter set - (the only exception being the OffersReceived.php script) there is probably no need for the additional tables and scripts to set smtp parameters inside webERP. Would be interested to understand the rationale for this - perhaps we could remove this spurious code?

See output of grep for the ->send() function of the htmlMimeEmail class that we use for sending email:

BackupDatabase.php:$result = $mail->send(array('"' . $_SESSION['UsersRealName'] . '" <' . $_SESSION['UserEmail'] . '>'));
doc/Manual/ManualAPIFunctions.php:    $response = $client->send($msg);
EDIProcessOrders.php:        $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
EDISendInvoices.php:                $MessageSent = $mail->send(array($CustDetails['ediaddress']));
EDISendInvoices_Reece.php:                $MessageSent = $mail->send(array($CustDetails['ediaddress']));
MailInventoryValuation.php:    $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
MailSalesReport_csv.php:$result = $mail->send($Recipients);
MailSalesReport.php:    $result = $mail->send($Recipients);

OffersReceived.php:        $result = $mail->send(array($Email), 'smtp');

PDFChequeListing.php:    $result = $mail->send($ChkListingRecipients);
PDFDeliveryDifferences.php:    $result = $mail->send($DelDiffsRecipients);
PDFDIFOT.php:    $result = $mail->send($DelDiffsRecipients);
PO_PDFPurchOrder.php:        $Success = $mail->send(array(
PrintCustTrans.php:        $result = $mail->send(array($_GET['Email']));
PrintCustTransPortrait.php:        $result = $mail->send(array($_GET['Email']));
RecurringSalesOrdersProcess.php:        $result = $mail->send(array($RecurrOrderRow['email']));
report_runner.php:    $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
Z_CreateCompanyTemplateFile.php:           $result = $mail->send($Recipients);
Z_ImportChartOfAccounts.php:            $response = $client->send($msg);
Z_ImportGLAccountGroups.php:            $response = $client->send($msg);
Z_ImportGLAccountSections.php:            $response = $client->send($msg);
Z_ImportPartCodes.php:            $response = $client->send($msg);
Phil Daintree
webERP Admin
Logic Works Ltd

Messages In This Thread
SMTP server configuring - by Jayasuriya - 02-23-2013, 08:48 PM
RE: SMTP server configuring - by phil - 02-24-2013, 08:06 AM

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