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Dashboard - Payables Due Sort - Printable Version

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Dashboard - Payables Due Sort - VortecCPI - 03-10-2018

Not really a Bug or Problem but I changed the payables ("Supplier Invoices") due to sort by duedate prior to supplierid:

ORDER BY supptrans.duedate, suppliers.supplierid

This puts the first payment due at the top of the list, which I find helpful.

I don't have any Overdue Customer Balances or Outstanding Orders so I can not check to see if it may also be applicable there.

RE: Dashboard - Payables Due Sort - TurboPT - 03-10-2018

Change committed.

RE: Dashboard - Payables Due Sort - VortecCPI - 05-09-2018

A few more small changes to this script...

For the two SQL queries for Supplier Invoices Due within 1 Month I still have things shown a bit out of order. Changing SQL queries to have "ORDER BY supptrans.duedate" and not other fields seems to have squared it away.

So now I have this... NOTE ONLY ONE ORDER BY FIELD!

PHP Code:
    $Sql "SELECT suppliers.supplierid,
                    currencies.decimalplaces AS currdecimalplaces,
                    SUM(supptrans.ovamount + supptrans.ovgst - supptrans.alloc) AS balance
            FROM suppliers INNER JOIN paymentterms
            ON suppliers.paymentterms = paymentterms.termsindicator
            INNER JOIN supptrans
            ON suppliers.supplierid = supptrans.supplierno
            INNER JOIN systypes
            ON systypes.typeid = supptrans.type
            INNER JOIN currencies
            ON suppliers.currcode=currencies.currabrev
            WHERE supptrans.ovamount + supptrans.ovgst - supptrans.alloc !=0
            AND supptrans.hold=0
            GROUP BY suppliers.supplierid,
            HAVING SUM(supptrans.ovamount + supptrans.ovgst - supptrans.alloc) <> 0
            ORDER BY supptrans.duedate"
$SuppliersResult DB_query($Sql);

$SuppliersToPay DB_fetch_array($SuppliersResult)) {

$CurrDecimalPlaces $SuppliersToPay['currdecimalplaces'];

$Sql "SELECT suppliers.supplierid,
                        (supptrans.ovamount + supptrans.ovgst - supptrans.alloc) AS balance,
                        (supptrans.ovamount + supptrans.ovgst ) AS trantotal,
                FROM suppliers
                INNER JOIN paymentterms ON suppliers.paymentterms = paymentterms.termsindicator
                INNER JOIN supptrans ON suppliers.supplierid = supptrans.supplierno
                INNER JOIN systypes ON systypes.typeid = supptrans.type
                WHERE supptrans.supplierno = '" 
$SuppliersToPay['supplierid'] . "'
                    AND supptrans.ovamount + supptrans.ovgst - supptrans.alloc !=0
                    AND supptrans.duedate <='" 
Date('Y-m-d'mktime(0,0,0Date('n'),Date('j')+30,date('Y'))) . "'
                    AND supptrans.hold = 0
                ORDER BY supptrans.duedate"