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Full Version: PO receive error
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Having trouble receiving an item on a PO. Other items received OK.

Database Error 1366 : CRITICAL ERROR! NOTE DOWN THIS ERROR AND SEEK ASSISTANCE: A GRN record could not be inserted. This receipt of goods has not been processed because
Incorrect double value: '' for column `weberp`.`grns`.`stdcostunit` at row 1

×Database SQL Failure : The following SQL to insert the GRN record was used
INSERT INTO grns (grnbatch, podetailitem, itemcode, itemdescription, deliverydate, qtyrecd, supplierid, stdcostunit, supplierref) VALUES ('172', '596', 'SOCSIL6W', '3 WAY SOCKET / FEMALE HEADER / 2.54 PITCH, HEIGHT=', '2020-03-07', '100', 'MAN001', '', '')

×Database Rollback Due to Error Above : Rolling Back Transaction OK
Back to Purchase Orders

Receive Purchase Order : 141 from Mantech Electronics
Hi Alan, does this part have a cost set up for it?

Hi Tim,
yes it does.
Hmmmm, interesting. The error message is saying that the standard cost field is blank, not zero but blank. This field is saved at the point the purchase order is raised.
Can you run the following database query:

SELECT stdcostunit FROM purchorderdetails WHERE podetailitem=596;

and let me know the result.
localhost/weberp/purchorderdetails/ http://localhost/phpmyadmin/tbl_sql.php?db=weberp&table=purchorderdetails
Showing rows 0 - 0 (1 total, Query took 0.0011 seconds.)

SELECT stdcostunit FROM purchorderdetails WHERE podetailitem=596

Ok I deleted line from PO, created new PO and receive the item. No Problem.
Up and running again.

Thank you Tim for the replies, still don't know what cause it, but that are now history.

Glad it's sorted for you Alan. Keep an eye on it and if it happen again let me know.
