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I recently discovered on lot controlled items if I did partial receipt that this table was getting deleted even though I didn't complete the total Qty. The culprit seems to be in a hidden variable was using locale_number_format and the value to compare it to was numeric. So php thought 15 > "1,000" was true and deleted my woserialno. I was able to fix that. Now however I have had a few times where the user received the full W/O quantity but for one reason or another we wanted to back out some or all or the receipt. This can't be done because the woserialno record is gone.
Does anybody see any issues (performance, other) with NOT deleting the woserialno records at work order receipt time?

Can't we get the info from the stockserialmoves table? Looking for stockmoves type WO Receipts?
We wouldn't want duplicate serial nos for WO manufactured items - this is a hazy memory for me I could be talking gibberish here!!
What I was trying to say Phil is that as it is currently written if the flag for assigning serial numbers at w/o create time is set then one you complete the required qty you can't complete any more in a second step or back it out. Because the W/O receipt program loops through the woserialno table at the start to build the inputs for Qty's to be received. If woserialno was deleted then you can't back some out. I have been inserting one in the database in these cases to trick the system.
I guess the best solution might be wait and delete the woserialno table at W/O Close, because then we know we are really done with it.
I see yes makes sense.
I am not getting it.. can you please elaborate more.