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Full Version: Comments in DeliveryDetails.php not displaying properly
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Hi guys,

When I insert multiple lines comments in DeliveryDetails.php and choosing Quotation.

The resulting quotation prints whole lines as one line with the character of \r\n

So for example

Terms & Conditions:

it will be shown like this in the pdf
Terms & Conditions: \r\n *aaaaa \r\n *bbbbb \r\n *cccccc

How can I fix this?

Hi, Thomas:

Thanks for your report. Please refere to the attached file.

Best regards!


(03-05-2012, 05:45 PM)thomas_lie Wrote: [ -> ]Hi guys,

When I insert multiple lines comments in DeliveryDetails.php and choosing Quotation.

The resulting quotation prints whole lines as one line with the character of \r\n

So for example

Terms & Conditions:

it will be shown like this in the pdf
Terms & Conditions: \r\n *aaaaa \r\n *bbbbb \r\n *cccccc

How can I fix this?


Hi Exson,

Thanks for your assistance

The \r\n is not appearing now, however, the multiple lines still becomes one whole line
so it's like

Terms & Conditions: *aaaaa *bbbbb *cccccc

instead of
inserting newlines...

is it supposed to be one line only?

Hi, James,

I just remove those \r\n in PDF file. If it's over the length of one line, there will be another line.
I don't know if we should follow the carriage return.

Best regards!

Will need to add a test for how long the comments are then create another line
Hi Phil,

thanks for your valuable input.

Actually, I need to add a lot of text (below is just dummy example) to the bottom of every quotation.... the output result has to be exact with new lines, carriage return in its place.....

How can I actually do that from webERP?

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Can't do it sorry